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15 Travelers That I Have Met


There is really as much type of travelers as there are people. Here we take a dialect in cheek look at some of the common types.

1. The Complete finances Traveler

The complete finances traveler travels on a strict budget and does not vary from it, no material how exciting the recently discovered chance is. No extra drinks for this traveler unless a star buys him/her one.

2. The Perennial Party creature

The permanent party animal has one focus and that is to have fun usually at a bar. These travelers find places to party where others cannot. Perhaps they should be united with the complete finances traveler!

3. The plastic Go-anywhere Traveler

The flexible go-anywhere traveler just chills out where-ever he/she is. There is no need for setting up – all is good. They go with the flow and to not need to know where they are leaving. maybe the traveler that enjoys any skill.

4. The Methodical Planner

The methodical planner does not do something that is not set. Every second is planned and when things go wrong as they inexorably do, they feel unloved. They will always be found wherever ever the plan tells them to be.

5. The Modern Techie

The modern techie can only travel if he/she has the latest travel garnishes and gadgets. Stay close to the modern techie to learn what items works and what matter are a waste of money for your next trip.

6. The Avid Souvenir Buyer

The avid souvenir buyer has money to spend and whatever thing that he/she wants to remind them of the holiday. The head for the markets and shops and not concerned in spending any time with the perennial party animal. Usually has trouble with bags mass limits on the homeward journey.

7. The Know it All Traveler

The know it all traveler studies everything from the guidebook and internet prior to travel. He/she finds great joy in asking the most in-depth question of the guides or continually interrupts the guide with statement of “fact”. Not sure who the know it all traveler should travel with.

8. The Fancy Photographer

The fancy taking pictures will probably have the most expensive camera (and don’t forget the lens) and take the longest to take any photograph. Other travelers are always to come for him/her at any special sight. They also like to obtain out very early to “catch the light.”

9. The Constant Complainer

The constant whiner finds everything on the tour not to his/her usual standard. Usually claim to be frequent travelers and often want to “talk with a senior power”. most likely should stay home and enjoy the things that are there!

10. The Helpless Traveler

The helpless traveler finds all a little too much. He/she will ask the most unusual and frequently useless questions. Often there will be someone on the tour who takes the helpless traveler under their wings to defend them from the others.

11. The “I am looking for myself” Traveler

The “I am looking for myself” traveler is searching for amazing. It is something unique for each or the “I am looking for myself” travelers. Beat to let them find themselves but create sure that they get about safely.

12. The Incessant Talking Traveler

The incessant talking explorer does not leave anyone alone. They crave a discussion on almost any topic. Often they are quite attractive people but enough is sufficient.

13. The Travel Light Traveler

The travel light traveler needs only one cabin paper bag to see the world. They a proud of their success but their travelling companions struggle when there is no time for wash clothes. They tend to like to borrow things.

14. The repeat Traveler

The repeat traveler goes to the same place or holiday each year. He/she can provide at least 101 reasons why you should join them. They take pride in telling you that they have seen three running changes at the hotel and the last boss was improved than the current one.

15. The Exercising Traveler

Finally, the exercise traveler rises every morning to a forceful physical workout. Only stay at hotels with gymnasium and swim pool. Usually fussy with food and claim to eat “fit” until the free wine is put on the table.

Whatever type of traveler you are or come into contact with – enjoy the skill and learn from them. Even the most deadly travelers will have something attractive to say.

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