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Beauty Really Exists

Beauty. What is beauty? A question which has given all the philosopher observer and wise men sleepless nights difficult to provide a description which suits all sorts. But beauty exists both alone and exclusively contradict every definition that’s been used to define it. state the word of Confucius:- “Everything has beauty but not everyone can see it.” Seems legit but even if it’s true it doesn’t stop everybody from rising their own ideas of beauty. Ideas that are believable, ideas that are explicable and ideas that are appealing. And between all the assumption, presumptions and preconceived ideas beauty has definitely lost it’s sense. From being a delight to the soul, beauty, rather has befall a weapon to patronize those who lie below the line of perfect curves, attractive color of skin, kind of hair or particular facial sets, a judgments based on practices begin by foul people with intention of mood superior just because they were blessed with the features mention above. And this definition of loveliness has become a tactic to garner fame, attention, plunder, superiority and create delusion for it has been known that beauty is the most feasible delusion.

And this meaning of beauty perceived by the opportunists has created a division among the society. The first being the one with perfect sets of body features claim their superiority base it on their luck of proper DNA planning and the others, that lay behind in this race living a life based on their pride and their virtues still keeping them at the end of the line and leaving them wishing if they could be beautiful. My goal here is not to loathe people for being good-looking but to analyze the concept that has driven us all so far to a debasing end. Quoting a famous author John Green:- “That’s always seemed so silly to me, that people want to be around someone because they’re beautiful. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color in its place of taste.” Words put together so well that it feels beautiful to read it at once. But the query is how many people get unfair by these words and make penitence in their lives. And here again I raised query to my own answers about beauty.

‘Feels beautiful’. Isbeauty an object to look and gauge, is beauty a emotion to sense or is beauty an idea to Endeavour? With every possible answer to obtainable questions we get more questions instead.

For a mother her child or for case any child is beautiful as ever. For an artist whose art speaks volume of his excellence beauty lies all over or anywhere. For a snake charmer beauty lies in the skin and eyes of snakes. For a psychopath beauty lies in the curves of his prey and how it trembles when he informs him of his fate. For an wangle beauty lies in the designs he create. For a doctor beauty lies in handing over the newborn baby to her mother. For manufacturer beauty lies in the number game. For a model beauty lies on curves of her body and the look on her face.

So many ideas, manner and explanations. And they somehow never seem to intersect.

According to famous poet John Keats:- ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it’s beauty increase; it will never pass into nothing.’ I wish I could oppose this report because as am analysis this I feel so many memories rushing back in support of this. Remembering the times when I hold a baby in my arms and it refuses to leave me holding me tight in total. Seeing an older couple who by society’s principles are neither pretty nor rich holding hands while leaving on a walk. Getting a text from someone telling you that they love you and the curve it makes on your cheeks. You power confuse it all with love or affection but these are all things of beauty if my idea of beauty is correct. I can exactly think of so many instances and examples to hold my claim. But this is not about credible others about my idea of beauty. This is an effort to put limits on developing ideas of beauty cause sometimes some mystery should never be unfold and some answers should never be told for as much as we deny it, we live for the surprise that comes our way. We live to find diverse forms of beauty.

For my closing quarrel or rather reason; let’s, like everybody else in the past think of the origin of beauty. maybe the first men saw a rainbow after the heavy tornado and thinking of giving a name to this feeling or view. And at the same time on a diverse place another man stood at the rim of the a cliff and saw a sunrise. They both saw something which gave them joy and a reaction beyond words. So they gave it a name: beauty. And with years transient different people with different experience drew their own ideas or assumption or experiences of beauty into speech marks, poems, songs and stories including those who tried to objectify beauty. alas those who objectified beauty has succeeded in the present times.

So when we look at all these definition of beauty from the mediaeval ages to this present instant, there exists no possible clarification or definition to beauty. There is only use of it for personal endeavors.

Perhaps this is where we are wrong at. Trying to define beauty. Ever since humans exist they have this urge to know and control all. Trying to define everything always undermine the thing. Because no matter how much you try you’ll always end up absent something. And when you miss amazing it haunts you. And correct now when I am trying to force you to think about how incorrect your idea of loveliness is, I am giving you another idea. While that is wrong and I myself will never reach to a perfect meaning all I am trying to do is to take you at least an inch closer every time to pardon? it actually is.

For more instances, As it is said fineness is subjective depending on each person’s preferences’.

On the opposite side with regards to moths there is reliably an answer that we are sure off which we can’t neglect and we can’t contend about, for example, 5+5=10, it is terrific that the outcome is 10 to everybody and nobody can think of an alternate answer, which implies that we consider things to be they are. Yet, when it about the technique we used to achieve the hypothesis which may contrast early with one individual then onto the next, enable the individual to consider speculation what he is not as others. When I need to do bungee jump I Experience it in light of the fact that to me I picture that it is not a hazardous thing to do, while to numerous other individuals it may look to them as the most unsafe skill of life. So all things careful I would take after my feelings about these exact things and decimate the questions of others. A method for in order is the reason by which we watch and take a gander at all things. For example in the range of the education, we now and again take a gander at the craftsmanship and attempt to know it the way the craftsman clarified it however anywhere inside what truly matters is the initial foreword about it climate it’s great or not and we try to consider it shows up before our eyes.

In the event that an writer was available in a seen it might stamped in his psyche with full subtle elements including its shifted angle, while others may recall it by and large with poor point of interest or neither as though it an everyday normal seen. Visually impaired may rely upon his of stroke rather than his non-existing sight, he will touch a great deal of things and his instinct will help him to see things and feel things considerably more than what an normal individual do as such a ton of times you see them have certain ability that contrasts them and slake them from others.

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