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Cloudways Review 2023 – Best Managed Hosting?


Table of Contents

About Cloudways

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that provides infrastructure, security, and support services for web applications. It allows users to launch and manage their websites, e-commerce stores, and applications on top of leading cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and DigitalOcean.

The platform offers features such as easy server and application management, automatic backups, 24/7 support, and various performance optimization tools. Cloudways also provides a variety of tools for scaling resources, monitoring website performance, and ensuring website security.

Cloudways Overview

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that offers hosting solutions for websites, e-commerce stores, and web applications. It provides infrastructure, security, and support services on top of cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and DigitalOcean.

Cloudways simplifies the process of deploying and managing websites, by offering an intuitive platform with easy-to-use tools for server and application management, automatic backups, performance optimization, and 24/7 support. The platform also provides options for scaling resources, monitoring website performance, and ensuring website security.

Some key features of Cloudways include:

Overall, Cloudways is a comprehensive cloud hosting platform that offers a convenient, efficient, and secure solution for hosting websites and web applications.

Difference between Managed Vs Unmanaged Hosting

Managed and unmanaged hosting are two different types of hosting services that are used for hosting websites, applications, and other digital content. The main difference between these two types of hosting is the level of support and management provided by the hosting provider.

Managed Hosting:

In managed hosting, the hosting provider takes care of the technical aspects of running the website, such as server maintenance, security, software updates, and technical support.

The hosting provider will monitor the server and resolve any technical issues that arise.

Managed hosting is ideal for people who don’t have the technical expertise to handle these tasks themselves, or who don’t want to spend time on it.

Unmanaged Hosting:

In unmanaged hosting, the hosting provider provides only the physical infrastructure, but the customer is responsible for managing the server and all technical aspects.

The customer is expected to have technical knowledge, and handle tasks such as server maintenance, security updates, software installations, and troubleshooting.

Unmanaged hosting is typically less expensive than managed hosting, but it is only suitable for experienced users with technical knowledge.

In summary, managed hosting is more hands-off and ideal for those who want someone else to handle the technical details, while unmanaged hosting is more hands-on and requires the customer to have technical expertise.

Cloudways User Interface

The Cloudways user interface (UI) is designed to be intuitive, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. The platform provides a centralized control panel that enables users to manage all their servers and applications from one place.

The Cloudways UI features several sections for managing different aspects of your hosting environment, including:

Servers: Allows users to manage their servers, monitor server performance, and perform various tasks such as scaling resources, taking backups, and cloning servers.

Applications: Allows users to manage their applications, deploy new applications, and access application-specific settings and tools.

Database: Enables users to manage their databases, run queries, and perform database-related tasks.

Manage Services: Allows users to manage additional services such as monitoring and security, configure backups and notifications, and access log files.

Team & Billing: Allows users to manage their billing information, invite team members, and assign permissions.

The Cloudways UI is designed to be easy to use and provides a simple, straightforward approach to managing servers, applications, and databases. The platform’s interface is responsive, allowing users to access their hosting environment from any device, and provides real-time monitoring and alerts to help keep their websites and applications up and running smoothly.

Cloudways Testing Parameters

Cloudways provides several testing parameters to help you evaluate the performance and reliability of your website or application. Here are a few key testing parameters you can use to gauge the performance of your Cloudways setup:

Load Time: The load time of your website or application is an important factor in determining its performance and user experience. Cloudways provides a real-time performance monitoring tool that can help you track the load time of your website or application.

Uptime: Uptime is a measure of the availability of your website or application. Cloudways provides a 99.99% uptime guarantee, ensuring that your website or application is always available to your users.

Server Response Time: The server response time measures the amount of time it takes for a server to respond to a request. Colorways provides real-time monitoring of server response time to help you optimize your setup and ensure that your website or application is responding quickly.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth is a measure of the amount of data that can be transferred over a network connection. Colorways provides scalable bandwidth options, so you can adjust your bandwidth to meet the needs of your website or application.

Disk Space: Disk space is the amount of storage space available on a server.  provides scalable disk space options, so you can choose the amount of disk space you need for your website or application.

These are just a few of the testing parameters you can use to evaluate the performance of your Cloudways setup. By monitoring these parameters, you can optimize your website or application for optimal performance and ensure a smooth user experience for your visitors.

Cloudways Server Response Time

Server response time is an important metric in measuring the performance of your website or application. It refers to the amount of time it takes for a server to respond to a request made by a user or a client. A fast server response time can help ensure a positive user experience for your visitors, while a slow response time can result in long wait times, increased bounce rates, and reduced conversion rates.

Cloudways provides real-time monitoring of server response time to help you evaluate the performance of your setup. You can monitor the response time of your server from the Cloudways platform and identify any performance bottlenecks. Additionally, Cloudways provides several tools and features to help you optimize your server response time, such as:

Performance optimization tools: provides performance optimization tools that help you optimize your website or application for faster load times and improved response times.

Scalable resources: provides scalable resources, so you can easily adjust your server configuration as needed to meet the demands of your website or application.

24/7 support: Cloudways provides 24/7 support to help you resolve any technical issues that may arise and ensure that your website or application is performing optimally.

By monitoring server response time and utilizing the performance optimization tools and support services provided by , you can ensure that your website or application is responding quickly to user requests and delivering a positive user experience to your visitors.

Cloudways Speed Test

Speed testing your website or application on Cloudways can help you determine its performance and identify any areas that may need improvement. You can perform a speed test on Cloudways by using various online tools such as GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Google PageSpeed Insights.

These tools will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your website or application’s load time, server response time, and other performance metrics. They will also provide recommendations for improving your website’s speed and performance, such as optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and enabling browser caching.

Additionally, Cloudways provides several performance optimization tools and features that can help improve your website or application’s speed, including:

CDN integration: Cloudways provides seamless integration with various Content Delivery Networks (CDN), which can help reduce latency and improve your website or application’s load time.

Cloudways Bot: Cloudways Bot is a performance optimization tool that can help improve the speed and performance of your website or application.

Server-level caching:  provides server-level caching options, including Varnish, Redis, and Memcached, to help reduce the load on your server and improve the performance of your website or application.

By performing regular speed tests and utilizing the performance optimization tools and features provided by , you can ensure that your website or application is performing at its best and delivering a fast and responsive user experience to your visitors.

Cloudways Uptime

Uptime is a measure of the availability of a website or application, and it is an important factor in determining its performance and reliability. Uptime is expressed as a percentage and represents the amount of time that a website or application is accessible to users.

Cloudways provides a 99.99% uptime guarantee, ensuring that your website or application is always available to your users. The platform uses multiple layers of security and monitoring to ensure that your website or application remains online and accessible at all times.

Additionally, Cloudways provides several tools and features to help monitor and improve the uptime of your website or application, including:

Real-time monitoring: provides real-time monitoring of your website or application’s uptime, so you can quickly identify any issues and take action to resolve them.

Autoscaling: Cloudways provides autoscaling capabilities, allowing your server to automatically adjust its resources based on the demands of your website or application.

24/7 support: provides 24/7 support to help you resolve any technical issues that may arise and ensure that your website or application is available to your users at all times.

By utilizing the monitoring and support tools provided by , you can ensure that your website or application is always online and accessible to your users, delivering a reliable and seamless user experience.

Cloudways Load Testing

Load testing is the process of evaluating the performance of a website or application under a simulated high-traffic scenario. This helps to identify any potential bottlenecks or limitations in your setup and determine how well it can handle large amounts of traffic.

Cloudways provides load testing capabilities through its partnership with LoadImpact. With LoadImpact, you can simulate real-world traffic scenarios and measure your website or application’s performance under heavy loads. This can help you identify any performance bottlenecks and take proactive measures to resolve them before they become a problem for your users.

Additionally, Cloudways provides several features and tools to help improve the performance and scalability of your website or application, including:

Scalable resources: Cloudways provides scalable resources, so you can easily adjust your server configuration as needed to meet the demands of your website or application.

Autoscaling: provides autoscaling capabilities, allowing your server to automatically adjust its resources based on the demands of your website or application.

Server-level caching: provides server-level caching options, including Varnish, Redis, and Memcached, to help reduce the load on your server and improve the performance of your website or application.

By regularly performing load testing and utilizing the performance optimization tools and features provided by Cloudways, you can ensure that your website or application is able to handle heavy traffic and provide a fast and responsive user experience, even under high load.

Cloudways Data Centers

Cloudways provides a global network of data centers that allows you to host your website or application in the location closest to your users. This can help reduce latency and improve the performance and speed of your website or application.

By hosting your website or application in the location closest to your users, you can ensure that they receive the best possible experience, with fast and responsive load times.

In addition to its global network of data centers, Cloudways also provides various security and compliance features to protect your website or application and its data, including firewalls, SSL certificates, and backups.

By utilizing Cloudways data centers and security features, you can ensure that your website or application is hosted in a secure and reliable environment, delivering a fast and responsive user experience to your visitors.

Cloudways Domain Name

A domain name is a unique and memorable name that is used to identify a website or application on the internet. A domain name is the address that users enter into their web browser to access your website or application.

Cloudways does not provide a domain name registration service, but you can easily add an existing domain name to your Cloudways account or purchase a new domain name through a third-party domain registrar.

Once you have a domain name, you can easily connect it to your -hosted website or application. provides a simple and straightforward process for setting up your domain name, including step-by-step instructions and support from their 24/7 support team.

By using a custom domain name, you can give your website or application a professional and recognizable brand, making it easier for users to find and remember your website or application.

Cloudways Cache Plugin

Cloudways provides built-in server-level caching options to help improve the performance and speed of your website or application. These caching options include Varnish, Redis, and Memcached, and can be easily enabled from the Cloudways platform.

In addition to the built-in server-level caching options, Cloudways also supports the use of caching plugins, such as WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, and WP Super Cache, to further optimize the performance of your website or application.

By utilizing both server-level caching and caching plugins, you can ensure that your website or application delivers a fast and responsive user experience, even under high traffic loads.

It’s worth noting that while caching plugins can be effective in optimizing the performance of your website or application, it’s also important to configure them properly and regularly update them to ensure that they continue to function optimally. Cloudways provides 24/7 support to help you with any issues or questions you may have about using caching plugins.

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that provides hosting solutions for websites and web applications on cloud infrastructure. It offers hosting services on several cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and DigitalOcean, among others. With Cloudways, users can manage their hosting environment, including server settings, security, backups, and more, through a user-friendly dashboard. The platform also offers 24/7 technical support and is designed to be scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

1. Scheduled Backups

Cloudways provides the option of scheduling backups for its customers. Scheduling backups allows users to automatically create backups of their website and data at regular intervals, ensuring that their data is secure and can be easily restored in case of an unexpected loss. To schedule backups on Cloudways, users can access the “Backup” tab in the platform’s dashboard and configure their backup schedule based on their specific needs. Cloudways offers several options for backup frequency and retention, allowing users to customize their backup strategy. The platform also allows users to create on-demand backups, giving them complete control over their data and allowing them to backup their data whenever necessary.

2. On Demand Backups

On-demand backups in Cloudways are manual backups that can be taken by users at any time. These backups are in addition to any scheduled backups that have been set up. On-demand backups allow users to have an additional level of control over their data, giving them the ability to create a backup exactly when they need it, without having to wait for a scheduled backup to occur. To create an on-demand backup in Cloudways, users can go to the “Backup” tab in the platform’s dashboard, select the application they want to backup, and then click the “Create Backup” button. The backup process will then start and users will be able to monitor the progress through the dashboard. Once the backup is complete, it can be used to restore the website in case of any unexpected data loss.

3. Local Backups

Local backups in Cloudways refer to backups that are stored locally on the same server where the website or application is hosted. These backups can be used as a quick and easy way to restore a website or application in case of any unexpected data loss. Local backups can be created directly from the Cloudways platform’s dashboard. To create a local backup, users simply need to go to the “Backup” tab, select the application they want to backup, and then click the “Create Backup” button. The backup process will then start, and the backup file will be stored on the same server as the website or application. Local backups are designed to provide an additional level of protection for users’ data and can be used in combination with other backup methods, such as cloud backups or off-site backups, for maximum data security.

Cloudways also offers partial restoration options.


Cloudways Server Recovery

Cloudways Server Recovery is a feature that allows users to restore their websites or applications to a previous state in case of data loss. This feature provides an easy and efficient way to recover from unexpected issues, such as server crashes, data corruption, or hacking attempts. To use Cloudways Server Recovery, users can go to the “Server Management” section of the platform’s dashboard and select the “Server Recovery” option. From there, they can choose the backup they want to restore and start the recovery process. The recovery process typically takes a few minutes, and users can monitor the progress through the dashboard. Once the recovery is complete, their website or application will be restored to its previous state, allowing them to get back to business as usual as quickly as possible. Cloudways Server Recovery is an important part of the platform’s disaster recovery plan and is designed to give users peace of mind knowing that their data is protected and can be easily restored in case of any unexpected issues.

Cloudways Support


Cloudways provides technical support to its customers through several channels, including email, live chat, and ticket support. The platform’s technical support team is available 24/7 and is dedicated to helping users with any questions or issues they may have. Cloudways also provides a knowledge base that contains articles and tutorials on a wide range of topics, including platform features, best practices, and troubleshooting tips. This knowledge base can be a valuable resource for users who are looking for quick and easy answers to their questions. Additionally, Cloudways also provides regular updates and maintenance to its platform, ensuring that its customers always have access to the latest features and performance improvements. The platform’s commitment to customer support and satisfaction is a key part of what makes Cloudways a popular choice among businesses and individuals who are looking for a reliable and secure managed cloud hosting solution.

  1. The Standard support is free and available 24/7.
  2.  The Advanced support add-on promises faster response time and deeper troubleshooting. It comes for $100/month!
  3.  The Premium support offers 24/7/365 days of call support, dedicated account manager, and a private Slack channel. This add-on costs a massive $500/month!

Cloudways Pricing


Cloudways offers a flexible and transparent pricing model that allows customers to only pay for the resources they use. The platform charges customers based on the number of resources they consume, including server resources, bandwidth, and storage. The cost of these resources can vary based on the cloud provider and server size that a customer chooses.

Cloudways also offers a free trial for its customers, allowing them to try out the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan. Once a customer is ready to upgrade, they can choose from a range of pricing plans that are based on their specific needs and resources requirements. The platform’s pricing is designed to be scalable, allowing customers to easily upgrade or downgrade their plan as their needs change.

In addition to its transparent pricing model, Cloudways also provides its customers with a range of tools and resources to help them manage their costs, including usage reports and cost alerts. These tools help customers to keep track of their resource consumption and avoid unexpected charges.

Overall, Cloudways offers a flexible, affordable, and user-friendly managed cloud hosting solution for businesses and individuals who are looking for a reliable and secure hosting platform.

Cloudways Best Plan

The best plan for a customer on Cloudways depends on their specific needs and resource requirements. The platform offers several pricing plans that are based on the amount of resources a customer needs, including server resources, bandwidth, and storage. To determine the best plan for their needs, a customer should consider factors such as the size of their website or application, the amount of traffic they receive, and their budget.

For small to medium-sized websites or applications, the Basic plan may be suitable. This plan offers a good balance of resources and affordability for users who are just starting out or have modest resource requirements.

For larger websites or applications that receive more traffic or require more resources, the Business or Elite plans may be a better fit. These plans offer additional resources and capabilities, such as load balancing and dedicated firewalls, which can help to ensure the best performance and security for high-traffic websites.

Ultimately, the best plan for a customer on Cloudways will depend on their specific needs and requirements, and the platform offers a range of options to accommodate users at different levels of need. It is recommended that customers assess their needs carefully and choose the plan that provides the right balance of resources and affordability for their specific situation.

Cloudways Free Trial

Cloudways offers a free trial to its customers, which allows them to try out the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan. The free trial typically lasts for a limited period of time and provides users with access to a limited set of resources, including a small amount of server space and bandwidth. The purpose of the free trial is to give users a chance to test the platform and see how it can meet their needs before committing to a paid plan.

To start a free trial on Cloudways, users simply need to sign up for a free account on the platform’s website. During the sign-up process, users will be asked to provide some basic information, such as their name and email address, and to choose a password. Once the account has been created, users can start their free trial by launching a server and installing their website or application.

The free trial is a great way for users to get started with and experience the platform’s features and capabilities for themselves. It is also an excellent opportunity for users to test the platform’s support and resources, and to see how can meet their needs before committing to a paid plan.

Cloudways Payment Methods

Cloudways accepts a variety of payment methods for its customers to choose from, including major credit and debit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. The platform also accepts payments through PayPal, which is a convenient and secure option for many customers. Additionally, Cloudways also offers the option to pay by wire transfer for customers who prefer this payment method.

Once a customer has chosen their preferred payment method, they can easily manage their payments and billing information through the Cloudways platform. The platform provides customers with real-time billing information and usage reports, as well as the ability to upgrade or downgrade their plan as needed. Additionally, also offers flexible billing cycles, including monthly, quarterly, and annual billing, which can help customers to manage their costs more effectively.

Overall, Cloudways provides a flexible and user-friendly payment and billing system, which makes it easy for customers to manage their account and pay for the resources they use. The platform’s commitment to customer convenience and satisfaction is a key part of what makes a popular choice among businesses and individuals who are looking for a reliable and secure managed cloud hosting solution.

Astra Pro Theme with Cloudways

Astra is a popular WordPress theme that can be used with the Cloudways hosting platform. By using Astra Pro with Cloudways, users can take advantage of the fast and secure hosting provided by , as well as the customization options offered by Astra Pro. Astra Pro is a paid version of the Astra theme that provides additional features and functionalities, such as custom headers and footers, advanced typography options, and more. With  and Astra Pro, users can create a high-performance website with a professional design and custom features.

Cloudways Additional Features

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that provides several additional features on top of its core cloud hosting services. Some of these features include:

Application Management: Users can easily manage their applications and websites through the Cloudways platform, with options to scale resources, perform backups, and manage domains.

Server Optimization: Cloudways provides several tools to optimize server performance, such as server caching, database optimization, and server tuning.

24/7 Support: Cloudways offers 24/7 support through its ticketing system, live chat, and phone support, providing users with quick and effective solutions to any issues they may encounter.

Managed Security: Cloudways offers managed security features to protect users’ websites and data, including regular security patches, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

Disaster Recovery: Cloudways provides disaster recovery options to protect users’ websites and data in the event of a server failure or other catastrophic event.

Staging Environments: Cloudways offers staging environments for users to test and deploy changes to their websites in a safe and controlled manner.

These additional features, along with its reliable and fast cloud hosting services, make Cloudways a popular choice for businesses and individuals looking to host their websites and applications.

Cloudways Email Hosting

Cloudways does not offer email hosting as a standalone service. However, you can use any third-party email hosting service in conjunction with to host your email. Additionally, many website hosting platforms, including those offered by Cloudways, have the ability to integrate with popular email hosting services like Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and Zoho Mail, allowing you to manage both your website and email through a single platform. If email hosting is a critical part of your website setup, I recommend checking the integration options offered by your preferred email hosting provider before making a decision.

Cloudways CDN

Cloudways offers an integration with several Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers, including StackPath, Amazon CloudFront, and BunnyCDN. A CDN can be added to your website through the Cloudways platform, allowing you to speed up the delivery of your website’s content to visitors around the world. With a CDN, the content of your website is stored on multiple servers in different locations, and when a visitor accesses your website, they receive the content from the server closest to them. This reduces the latency and improves the loading speed of your website. The CDN integration provided by Cloudways makes it easy to set up and manage your CDN, allowing you to improve the performance and user experience of your website.

Cloudflare Enterprise CDN

Cloudflare Enterprise CDN is a paid version of the popular Cloudflare Content Delivery Network (CDN) service, designed for large organizations and businesses with high traffic websites and demanding performance requirements.

Like the standard Cloudflare CDN, Cloudflare Enterprise CDN speeds up the delivery of website content by storing it on multiple servers around the world. However, it provides additional features and performance enhancements, such as advanced security options, custom caching rules, and priority support.

Cloudways supports the integration of Cloudflare Enterprise CDN with its hosting platform, allowing users to take advantage of its enhanced performance and security features for their websites. To use Cloudflare Enterprise CDN with , you will need to create an account with Cloudflare and set up the integration through the Cloudways platform.

Cloudways Technology and Applications

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that uses several technologies and applications to provide its hosting services. Some of the key technologies and applications used by Cloudways include:

Cloud Infrastructure: Cloudways provides hosting services on top of several cloud infrastructure providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), DigitalOcean, Linode, and Vultr.

Control Panel: Cloudways uses its own custom control panel to manage its hosting services, providing users with an easy-to-use interface for managing their servers, applications, and websites.

Server Optimization: Cloudways uses several technologies and applications to optimize the performance of its servers, including caching, database optimization, and server tuning.

Security: Cloudways uses several security technologies and applications to protect its servers and the websites hosted on them, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security patches.

Deployment Tools: Cloudways provides several deployment tools to make it easy for users to deploy and manage their applications, including support for popular web applications like WordPress, Magento, and Laravel.

These technologies and applications, along with Cloudways’ managed hosting services, make it a popular choice for businesses and individuals looking for fast, secure, and easy-to-use cloud hosting.

Is Cloudways Good for High-Traffic Websites?

Cloudways is a good option for high-traffic websites, as it provides scalable and reliable cloud hosting services. Some of the key benefits of using Cloudways for high-traffic websites include:

Scalability: Cloudways allows users to easily scale their resources as their traffic increases, ensuring that their website can handle spikes in traffic without performance degradation.

Performance Optimization: Cloudways provides several tools to optimize the performance of its servers, including caching, database optimization, and server tuning, making it a good option for high-traffic websites that require fast load times.

Managed Security: Cloudways provides managed security features to protect the servers and websites hosted on its platform, making it a secure option for high-traffic websites that require robust security measures.

24/7 Support: Cloudways offers 24/7 support through its ticketing system, live chat, and phone support, providing users with quick and effective solutions to any issues they may encounter, even during peak traffic periods.

Overall, Cloudways is a good option for high-traffic websites because of its scalability, performance optimization, managed security, and 24/7 support. However, as with any hosting solution, it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements before making a decision.

Cloudways Pros

Cloudways is a popular managed cloud hosting platform that provides several benefits to users. Some of the key pros of using Cloudways include:

Scalability: Cloudways allows users to easily scale their resources as their traffic increases, ensuring that their website can handle spikes in traffic without performance degradation.

Performance Optimization: Cloudways provides several tools to optimize the performance of its servers, including caching, database optimization, and server tuning, making it a good option for websites that require fast load times.

Managed Security: Cloudways provides managed security features to protect the servers and websites hosted on its platform, making it a secure option for websites that require robust security measures.

User-friendly Control Panel: Cloudways provides a custom control panel that is easy to use, making it simple for users to manage their servers, applications, and websites.

24/7 Support: Cloudways offers 24/7 support through its ticketing system, live chat, and phone support, providing users with quick and effective solutions to any issues they may encounter.

Integration with Popular Applications: Cloudways supports integration with popular web applications like WordPress, Magento, and Laravel, making it easy for users to deploy and manage these applications.

Affordable Pricing: Cloudways offers affordable pricing, making it a good option for businesses and individuals looking for cost-effective cloud hosting.

Overall, Cloudways is a good option for businesses and individuals looking for scalable, fast, secure, and affordable cloud hosting.

Cloudways Cons

Like any hosting solution, Cloudways has some limitations and potential drawbacks that users should be aware of. Some of the key cons of using Cloudways include:

Limited Customization: Cloudways uses a custom control panel, which may limit the level of customization available to users compared to more traditional hosting solutions.

No Email Hosting: Cloudways does not provide email hosting, meaning users will need to find an external email hosting provider if they need email services for their domain.

No Root Access: As a managed hosting platform, Cloudways does not provide root access to its servers, meaning that users may be limited in the level of control they have over their server configuration.

Cloudways Alternatives

If your work heavily revolves around WordPress CMS, then Cloudways is an excellent option for you. However, if you want to look for alternatives, you can check out the few mentioned below.

1. is a fully managed WordPress hosting platform that offers lightning-fast speeds, unbeatable uptime, and good load management capability.

Similar to Cloudways, it also offers advanced security, Cloudflare Enterprise CDN, good backup features, and doesn’t support email hosting. However, its pricing plans are quite expensive for beginners. Its plans start from $25/month.

You can get your hosting plan for merely $1 for the first month by entering the coupon code LAUNCH at checkout! If that doesn’t work, you can get 30% off your hosting for 1st three months by using the coupon code KRIPESH at checkout.

2. WP Engine

WPEngine is a managed WordPress hosting platform that offers 24/7 support, free SSL, regular backups, website staging, and automated migrations on it.

You also get access to 10 premium themes on all its plans which you won’t find on Cloudways. Its hosting plans start from $30/month!

3. Kinsta

Kinsta is another managed WordPress hosting site with competitive pricing and features. It offers 24/7 support, free CDN, SSH access, security services, and manual and automated daily backups on all plans.

Its 30-days refund policy and unlimited free migrations give it an upper hand on Cloudways. The hosting plans of Kinsta start from $30/month.

4. Flywheel

Flywheel is a managed WordPress hosting that is mainly focused on clients. So, it would be a good option for business websites. You get a free CDN, an in-house cache plugin, free migrations, and 24/7 support.

Its loads of workflow management tools and 10 StudioPress themes make it stand out from Cloudways. The hosting plans of Flywheel start from $13/month.

Should you use Cloudways?

In my opinion, Cloudways is still one of the best web hosts for 2023. It provides you with superior performance in terms of speed, scalability, uptime, and load testing. Apart from that, it also offers powerful options for backups and security.

In the past year, they’ve implemented a lot of updates on their platform. These include Cloudflare Enterprise CDN, Astra Pro Collaboration, Safe Updates, Partial Restoration, and more.

Thus, Cloudways offers you top-quality service with constant updates at a good price point. This is why I find it worth every dollar of your money spent!

If you have good traffic (over 100k+) on your blog or are earning money out of your blog, then Cloudways would be a great choice. Small to mid-sized businesses, professional bloggers, resellers, agencies, and seasonal websites definitely look at Cloudways.

However, if you want a hosting solution on a budget, you can go with Hostinger, Chemicloud, or FastComet.


With Cloudways, you get excellent speeds, uptime, and data centers in 65+ locations around the globe. Along with fast and reliable customer support, you also get top-notch security at affordable rates.

Thus, Cloudways proves to be a powerful hosting solution for 2023. If you want to try out Cloudways, you can use my link and get a 20% discount on any plan of your choice.

Along with this, you will also get a free entry into my training program, where I will show you how to set up and configure Cloudways Hosting with ease. So, go grab this offer right away!

Anyway, if you find my content useful, don’t forget to subscribe to my weekly newsletter where I share updates on my latest videos, blog posts, and the best discount deals running on digital tools!

This is Kripesh signing off. See you in the next article. Keep learning!


Is Cloudways good for e-commerce plans?

Yes, Cloudways’ eCommerce plans are outstanding! They offer an innovative combination of Nginx and Apache servers that promise better performance. For e-commerce, I recommend going with Vultr HF servers on Cloudways.

Is it possible to scale servers up & down on Cloudways?

Yes, you can easily scale your server up from the Vertical Scaling tab under Server Settings. However, for Vultr, Linode, and DigitalOcean servers, this change is permanent and you cannot scale it back down. Though, you can shift it easily to a new downgraded server.

When do I pay for services on Cloudways?

Cloudways implements a ‘Pay as you go’ service on all its plans. This means that you only pay for the time you use their services and not for the entire month/year.

What are the payment methods supported on Cloudways?

Cloudways supports payments through Credit and Debit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, Amex), and Paypal. It also supports the Wire Transfer service, which is only accessible on a minimum purchase of $1000.

When not to use Cloudways hosting?

Absolute beginners might experience a slight learning curve with Cloudways. It is apt for technical users.

So, if you are a complete beginner to the world of web hosting, you can begin with shared hosting providers that offer an easy-to-use interface. Hostinger, Bluehost, HostArmada, are some examples.

What are the key features of Cloudways Hosting?

The key features of Cloudways Hosting include a unique managed hosting infrastructure, 65+ data center locations, one-click vertical scaling, website staging, swift speeds and uptime, and its ‘Pay as you go’ payment model.

Where is Cloudways based?

Cloudways has its headquarters in Malta, Europe.

Does Cloudways offer free migration?

Yes, you get one free website migration with all the plans of Cloudways. And if you want to transfer your WordPress website, they offer a dedicated WordPress Migration plugin as well!

How many cloud providers does Cloudways have?

Cloudways offers 5 cloud providers, namely AWS, DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, and Google Cloud.

What is the difference between DigitalOcean and Cloudways?

Cloudways is the managed cloud hosting platform built on top of 5 unmanaged hosting providers. One of them is DigitalOcean. Cloudways users can opt for a DigitalOcean server for hosting their website.

What if I want to scale resources down on Cloudways?

It depends on your server. Scaling your resources down is not possible if you have the servers of DigitalOcean, Linode, or Vultr. Once you scale these servers, the changes are permanent.

However, AWS and Google Cloud offer unlimited scaling up and down of resources. But their plans are expensive!

What makes Cloudways different from other web hosting companies?

The unique Managed hosting infrastructure of Cloudways built on 5 unmanaged cloud hosts makes it different from other hosting companies.

Thus, you can enjoy the features of managed and unmanaged hosting together!

How easy is it to launch your website on Cloudways?

It’s pretty easy. All you need to do is log in to your account and click on ‘Add a Server’. Next, you need to select an application, your server type, size, and server location. And it’s done!

How much traffic can Cloudways $10 server handle?

The $10 plan of the DigitalOcean server on Cloudways can handle high traffic of up to 1-2 lakh visitors per month.

Does Cloudways charge extra for email hosting?

Yes, you can subscribe to their Rackspace Email add-on that costs $1/month for one email account.

Does Cloudways have a website builder?

Unfortunately, you won’t find a website builder with Cloudways.

Does Cloudways offer free backups?

No. Cloudways charges $0.033 per GB of data that you back up. However, they round up the charges to a $0.5 increment. So, if you wish to back up just 1 GB of data, you’ll have to pay a minimum of $0.5 to them.

Does Cloudways have a free trial?

Yes, you can get a 3-day free trial of Cloudways’ services. You don’t need to enter your credit card details for availing it. However, it only applies to Digital Ocean, Vultr, and Linode servers.

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