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Fashion and Culture


What is the use of fashion? Fashion is the style of human behavior, popular through usually short period of time. If during a certain age, people begin to put on bell-bottom trousers, wear glasses with large, disc like glasses, or keep their hats tilted, they are liability so because it is the current craze.

Fashions create in man’s age-old wish to look distinct and beautiful. Naturally, they are more popular with women. It is said that the chameleon does not change its color as quickly as a woman wears out a new fashion, but men too, can’t plead innocence.

Let us look at the popularity of fashion from another tip of view. They are popular with the youth, because in young people the urge of presentation themselves off is the strongest. kids are too small to be aware of it, while the old are too old to pay any serious contemplation to it. The young, on the other hand, find life enjoyable and want to enjoy it more by adding to its colorfulness. They adopt all sorts of devices to look attractive.

Latest fashions are customary in big cities rather than small towns and villages. The reason is that most fashions are luxury. People of simple and poor background can’t afford to treat in such luxuries. On the other hand, the rich, clever and advanced city-people can pay for to follow fashion which has a glamour of their own.

Fashion can pertain to any aspect of human performance. But the most popular fashions are those in dress. Men’s trousers and shirts alter in size and shape every six months. Women’s garments change in plan in every season or so. It is the west which is the home of fashion. In the east, though they have their own society and cultures, prefer to copy and follow the western fashion. Fashions mirror the character of a nation. Western fashions are a clear index of the western mode of idea and feelings seen. Similarly fashions prevailing among various races or tribe give a clear idea of their respective way of living.

Fashion creates a colorful variety in life and adds to the cultural wealth of a country.

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