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The Importance of Technology


Technology refers to the collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and swap information.

In the earlier times, the use of tools by being beings was for the process of discovery and progress. Tools remained the same for a long time in the previous part of the history of mankind but it was also the complex human behaviors and tools of this era that modern words begin as believed by many archeologists.

Technology refers the facts and use of tools, techniques and systems in order to serve a better purpose like solving problems or making life easier and better. Its meaning on humans is wonderful because technology helps them adapt to the setting. The growth of high technologies  counting computer technology’s Internet and the telephone has helped conquer message barriers and bridge the gap between people all over the world. While there is reward to constant fruition of technology, their evolution has also seen the increase of its critical power as clear in the creation of weapons of all kinds.

In a broader sense, technology affects society in the development of advanced economy, making life more suitable to more people that have access to such technology. But while it continue to offer better means to man’s day to day living, it also has surplus results such as pollution, reduction of natural resources to the great difficulty of the planet. Its influence on culture can also be seen in how people use technology and its ethical meaning in the society. Debates on the reward and disadvantages of technology constantly arise curious the impact of technology on the development or deterioration of human condition. Some actions have even risen to criticize its harmful property on the environment and its ways of alienate people. Still, there are others that view technologies  as helpful to progress and the human state. In fact, technology has evolved to serve not just human being but also other members of the animal species as well.

Technology is often seen as a result of science and business. Through the years, new technologies and methods have been developed during research and development. The advancement of both science and technologies has resulted to incremental development and unruly technologies  . An example of incremental development is the gradual substitute of compact discs with DVD. While unruly developments are automobiles replace horse carriages. The fruition of technologies marks the major development of other technologies in unlike fields, like nana technology, biotechnology, robotics, cognitive science, fake brains and information technology.

The rise of technologies is a result of their day innovations in the varied fields of technology. Some of these technologies unite power to achieve the same goals. This is referred to as converge technologies. Meeting is the process of combining separate technologies and merger resources to be more interactive and user friendly. An example of this would be tall technology with telephony skin as well as data efficiency and video combined features. Today technical innovation on behalf of progressive developments is rising to make use of technology’s gung ho advantage. Through junction of technologies, different fields combine in concert to produce similar goals.

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