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The word Toff Review

About Toffs

The word “toff” is a British English slang term for a stereotype of a person with an aristocratic background or belonging to the landed gentry. It is often used to describe someone who wealthy, privileged, and has an air of superiority. The term thought to have originated in the 19th century, and it still used today, although it generally considered to be informal and even slightly insulting.

There are a number of different theories about the origin of the word “toff”. One theory is that it comes from the word “tuft”, which was a gold tassel worn by titled undergraduates at the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. Another theory is that it comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “toforan”, which means “superiority”. Still another theory is that it comes from the brown liquid that dripped from an upper class gentleman’s nose after taking snuff.

Whatever its origin, the word “toff” has come to be associated with a certain type of person: someone who well-educated, well-dressed, and comes from a wealthy and privileged background. Toff are often seen as being out of touch with the realities of ordinary life, and they are sometimes stereotyped as being snobbish and arrogant.

However, it is important to note that not all toff are the same. There are many people who come from aristocratic backgrounds who are kind, compassionate, and down-to-earth. Ultimately, the term “toff” is just a stereotype, and it is important to judge each person on an individual basis.

There is also a company called TOFF that sells retro and classic football shirts and rugby tops. The company was founded in 1990 in Gateshead, England, and it has since become one of the leading retailers of vintage football shirts in the world. TOFF shirts are known for their high quality and attention to detail, and they are popular with fans of all ages.

So, when you hear the word “toff”, it could be referring to a stereotype of a wealthy and privileged person, or it could be referring to the company that sells retro football shirts. It all depends on the context in which the word is used.

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