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What Does actually Beauty Means?

Often, when we talk about , our brain cells totally tend to imagine and show a picture of young Women. This is a very common and natural thinking process. but, this is really untrue. deep and beyond sex! means not only the outer surface look of someone, but also who they are in and how they portray themselves on a day-to-day basis. comes from back to front rather from outside-in.

To me means rank for your unique character and being yourselves. Beauty is the likeness of joy within oneself. Beauty is most likely an elusive feeling and pleasure we receive when we look at and admire, endless green mountain, spending quality time with someone special, extend help to others, liability what we like to do and much more.

When I think of , I think of my Parent and ancestor. The unqualified love, warm defense, and continual care they shower are beyond explanation! Another example: Mother Teresa – who for over 45 years ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, first all through India and then in other countries.

Having said this, the below poem is an effort to uncover what beauty really means:

Beauty is The Promise

We keep growing from a failure!

Beauty’s is the Innocence Smile and interest

We observe in our Child!

Beauty is the Small sacrifice

Made to raise us by our Parent!

Beauty’s is the Smile and total Love

We share with our associates!

Beauty is the Valuable Lessons

We learnt from our school teacher!

Beauty is the Maturity

We developed working with our generation!

Beauty is the serving Hand

We lend to someone who stay unknown!

Beauty’s is the Kind sound

We share with our stranger!

Beauty is the undying Pain

We get when you lose someone particular!

Beauty is the holy Belief

We get when we pray the enormous!

Beauty’s is the Sizzling happiness

We receive scrutiny the rising Sun!

Beauty’s is the Thanks

We say everyday to our unselfish Nature!

Beauty’s is the Perfect flaw

We did to learn new clothes!

Beauty is the Great Success

We achieve for our hard work!

Beauty’s is the gorgeous Life

We make to live and let others live!

And finally…

Beauty is the Complete approval


I read anywhere this famous quote- “the most beautiful things in Life cannot be touch, but can only be felt and embrace.” So true as it read. Beauty is not something which is animal. It is beyond our surface boarders. It is the image that we carry by morally touching the inner-self, revealing the pleasure inside and glowing the true to our external world! is like an everyday skill which we receive, feel and hug within ourselves.

Let us be beautiful to make this world a improved place to live, share, enjoy and create pleasure each seconds we consume.

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