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What Is Digital Marketing?

When we use the word “Digital Marketing”, we are actually referring to online marketing pains from a product.

Therefore, if you are ask what Digital Marketing (DM) is, here is your reply:

This is a do in Business through which promotion post are delivered through online channels such as websites, mobile apps, search engines, social media and emails. It helps a brand produce interest in their products amid their consumers.

Though DM started fast popularity in the year 2000. In the last couple of years it has revolutionize marketing communication.

In a real sense:

It is brand messaging (Advertisements) delivered from side to side electronic channel such as Television, Radio, and Internet etc. Electronic channels make, store and transmit data in the succession of the number 0 or 1.


It can occur both Online and Offline.

If the above is true, then

It exist ever since Guglielmo Marconi sent first wireless signal in 1896.

Isn’t that crazy!

However, the simple meaning of DM does not say an ample amount of about the practice of digital marketing in today’s world.

This connotation is useless as technology is just the enabler of digital marketing. So let us know what accurately digital marketing is?

What is Digital Marketing in Today’s Context?

In today’s context:

It is a set of interactive marketing promotion actions which are done online. These behavior help an individual or group reach its target audience and achieve its business & fiscal objectives.

Therefore when we say digital marketing, we are essentially referring to Online Digital Marketing.

The other form of DM is offline digital marketing, which happen on other electronic devices such as Radio or TV.

I know you are not here to read about broadcasting or TV, so I will spare you (though I have invest millions of dollars on Offline marketing through my career).

Going onward in this article when I say “DM”, I am actually referring to “Online Digital marketing”, as that is what you mean to read here, right?

1. It is a set of marketing actions and not just one activity.

2. It is Interactive and not just one way. It enables two-way message and is much more attractive compare to the other marketing methods. Interactivity is what distinguishing it from promotion on Television, which is also electronic but not interactive.

3. It happens online. What it basically means is that the activity is carried out on the Internet or telecom networks. Though it happen online, it can sanction both the virtual or offline world. An instance of DM in the virtual or online world is email marketing or social media marketing or search train marketing. In the idiomatic sense when we say digital marketing we refer to virtual or online marketing only. An case of this in the offline world is the use of tablets to showcase product aid at a sell store.

4. It helps an person or group. It is useful not only for large company but also for individuals as well, unlike TV or paper publicity. One can take advantage of digital promotion on small budget as well.

5. It helps reach and connect the target audience. It is paying attention, and one can use multiple target methods to reach their audience.

6. It helps achieve business and financial objectives. It is assessable & ROI driven. It helps achieve business & fiscal goals.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any extra info!

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